children can also diabetic

Diabetes mellitus (DM) can affect anyone and regardless of age.
"This disease," said dr. Aman B. Pulungan, SP.A, chronic and up to date can not be cured. "The exact cause is still a mystery, but genetic factors and environmental allegedly played a role.

Even children can experience the DM if obese. Obesity causes metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance preceded the marked presence of blackish color of the skin around the neck. Usually, the parents expect the climb.

Despite suffering from type 1 DM, children are also still able to excel. "Adjust your diet, take little exercise, and keep monitoring the administration of insulin to maintain glucose levels in the blood as normal as possible," advises Safe.


Recognize the symptoms of DM such as:
- The small constant thirst and urination. These conditions usually occur suddenly for several days.
- Weight loss drastically.
- Children often experience fatigue, visual disturbances, and irritability without cause. If not handled properly, your baby will start to feel queasy, heavy breathing, heart palpitations, and fainting.
"If these symptoms appear, immediately take it to the doctor is most appropriate for parents," said Aman who also added that if the blood glucose levels reach 200 mg / dl in the urine, is a sign of DM.


Children with DM should not be on a strict diet as adults. "What must be avoided are foods that are high glycemic index that deplete insulin. And conversely, should increase fiber foods," Safe anjur.
"Do not eat foods that are low calorie so that the levels are too low blood sugar or hypoglycemia can cause fainting. It's dangerous," he said again.
Type 1 diabetes can not be avoided. But type 2 diabetes can be avoided through lifestyle is good and right, ie restricting food and exercising regularly.