Can You Spot Them?

can you spot them
Whenever the body is unable to create or use insulin properly, this will lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Subsequently, the blood sugar or blood glucose levels could increase, which results in pre-diabetes and ultimately Type 2 diabetes. Overtime, high blood sugar level can persistently cause damage throughout the entire body. The fasting blood glucose or FBG level will be used to check for and then diagnose pre-diabetes and diabetes. Consequently, this would trigger severe hunger. Fatigue: Whenever your cells lack sugar, this can cause you to become exhausted and irritable. Darkened areas of skin:

When some people have Type 2 diabetes they will notice patches of dark spots, velvety skin folds and body wrinkles - generally on the neck and armpits. Beans and lentils should be eaten often. Watch out for fruit juice, which can send blood sugars soaring. Fruit, with all its fiber and bulk, is more filling than juice so much better for weight loss.SweetsWith diabetes, it's a low-sugar diet not a no-sugar diet. Sometimes, diabetics need sugar to bring their blood sugars up after a hypo (hypoglycemia is low blood sugar). Lactose [milk sugar] is low-GI, so it's fine for people to have milk or low-fat yoghurtProteinDiabetics need to limit eggs to three a week because they contain cholesterol and saturated fats.

Monosaturated fat, found in olive oil and spreads, brings down bad LDL cholesterol without touching the good HDL cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fat, in foods like sunflower and com oil, lowers both. Type 2 Diabetes makes you urinate and thirst more often is because glucose seeps into your urine and draws more water through the kidneys. Here are a few basic rules for a diabetic. Carbohydrates Confusingly diabetics need carbohydrates with every meal, even though they raise blood-sugar levels. Without carbohydrates, the body can't produce energy. If you eat white bread with baked beans, which are a low-GI food source it shifts the GI.