Healthy & Safe Food For Children

Foods that are small and round, especially if the food was a bit harsh, it is usually difficult to eat the little guy. In fact, not infrequently, even a child choking. If you want to give food to the large size, cut first into parts so small they are easy to chew and swallow.

Listed below are the types of foods are often a problem in children:
= Hard candy
= Type of nuts and seeds
= Wine intact
= Carrots and beans are the raw
= One tablespoon of peanut butter
= A bony fish
= Candied fruits
= Popcorn
= Ice cubes
= Raisin
= Pretzels
= Chips
= Piece of cheese or meat
1. Familiarize children eat breakfast before going to school. With breakfast, children have the energy needed to hear and learn at school. Provide a varied choice for breakfast. For example, for cereals today, the next of vegetables and fruits, and various low-fat dairy products, and other, alternately.

2. Consultation with a nutritionist if you are worried about the way your baby or eating patterns. So also when there are problems with the child's weight.

3. Get used to reduce the fat by reducing fried. Instead, if the food by means grilled, baked, or steamed.

4. Limit the amount of sugar drink, or eaten by children who are dieting. Instead, provide a drink of water or low-fat milk. Avoid soda or fruit juice to give a sweet, if a child is need to diet because being overweight.

5. Help your child in choosing food. Generally, children will likely enjoy eating with your help.

6. Be an example for children. If he sees your bright smile is always active and full of confidence, by themselves they will replicate to become active and so became active in his life. Encourage him to always be active.

7. Involve the whole family to be active in daily life such as early morning walking, cycling, dancing, basketball, or roller skating.